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Friday, June 29, 2012
Fabulahz- hot new female rap and rnb duo
BOSS 3ntertainment brings u a duo of chics who rap and sing
Nikita Simmons from All About Ray goes by her stage name Barbie B0$$ who loves to rap and after highskool and is signed on to Ricky Ross's record label BOSS 3ntertainment. She also does a collab wit P2R especially wit her boo thang Rated R (ray ray from All About Ray)
Rhianna Hilton from All About Ray is the singer of Fabulahz who was also signed by BOSS 3ntertainment. Since she and nikita hav such a close relationship Ricky ross decides to make them a duo who raps and sings
BAM in you face magazine 1st cova
I'm on da cova of BAM in yo face magazine wit mah gurl nicki!!!!
BAM in yo face magazine is new magazine company featuring the hottest people in town
The demographic is mostly for urban teens
In this is issue features a kid name ray ray and his obsession with Nicki Simmons (Minaj)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
All About Ray Day 1, Pt.2
So, I was curious..
Ray: Wats in the bags?
Auntie Lisa was like
Lisa: Huh? Oh yea. I almost forgot. Some of the items in there got refrigerated food in them.
She then shouted to her kids and me..
Me and china helped AGAIN, but I assumed so would Fizz but he was textin away on his phone, and raven was reading some black hair magazine, and oh roc was still asleep, like knocked out sleep, lol. I was thinking to myself, why did aunt lisa say “yaw’ll come in here and help me put up these groceries,”when she was juss sittin on the couch by the door lookin pretty, I’m like ok???? What was THAT all about? My dad got tired of swattin flies and gave up. He threw the swatta on the floor next to the counter and near the fridge. Auntie Lisa turned her head towards the fridge and notice the swatta on the floor.
Lisa: U’ll yaw’ll got da fly swatta up on da kitchen flo, as she asked with a disgusted face
China replied loudly while draggin a heavy brown bag of groceries to the fridge
China: CUZ DEY GHETTO, hahaha
Lisa: Shoot, we ghetto too, but you ain’t gone fine no fly swatta on our kitchen flo that is straight up nasty.
Raven overheard her mama and agreed
Raven: I know thas rite
As she turned the page of her black hair magazine she was reading.
Fizz: Word
Fizz still standin up and he know we gotta couch for him to sit on. But last time he was here he had his smelly feet all up on our couch and mama yelled at him for it, I couldn’t help but laugh he deserved it. So I guess now he juss either stands up or sits on the floor. As me and china are the only ones puttin up the groceries dad is in his favorite chair-his lazy boy and nobody and I mean NOBODY would ever dare to sit in his chair he lets everyone know that. As if I care, that chair is NOT all that as I roll my eyes to myself. Aunt Lisa leans forward and starts textin. I groaned Ughhh my goodness why are these people straight textin utha people? Don’t they know dey gotta house filled of people of whom they could be talkin to I said to myself. I felt a hard tap on my shoulder.
Ray: What the hell as I turned fast to see who it was
I said Oh it was china she told me to snap back to reality and I blinked twice and continue to load more food into the fridge. When we were done me and china went to sit on the coach where roc was juss snoring as loud as a car engine. Me and china looked at each other and chuckled while roc was makin movements in his sleep while tryin to get comfortable and grabbed a pillow to hug and slowly stopped into a fetal position with a smile on his face. It was getting dark outside as I scratched my head and sniffed my hair, like it was a fresh box of crayons, but worse becuz it stunk.
Ray: Ewww my hair stinks. I need to get it washed.
Just then a car pulled up and I saw the headlights flashin in the window. I squinted and was thinking
Ray: Who was that?
The car engine turned off and the door popped open. I heard the sound of keys jiggling then the car door had closed. The sound of heels were clickin towards the door and I was like I know that sound
Ray: Thas mama I mumbled under my breath
I was about to roll up outta my seat cuz I had JUST remembered that I was supposed to hav my room clean bout time she got home too late for dat now I thought. Anywayz I was about to get up and open the door, but aunt lisa took cared of that.
Lisa opens the front door
Lisa: Heyyy sis, whas happenin?
Mama: Whooooooo chile, nutten much. I am SO tired. Dem people up in dat hospital had me workin today.
As she pulled off her smock and hung it on the coat hanger while aunt lisa closed the door.
Mama: Well, Well, Well
As she strutted in her heels in the center of the floor cuz we ain got no carpet in the livin room, cuz mama don’t play dat. She had her hands on her hips still sayin
Mama: Well, Well, Well look at da little sunflowers
As she looked around the room at all of us. She looked towards dad and roc who was juss snoring up a storm, I was thinking to myself wont these niggas shutup dey is doin the mostest and whatever happened to dem flies? I had forgot all about dem thangs
Mama: Hey nieces and nephews, china!
Fizz: Mus you be so loud? (he asked china)
China: SHUT-UP! (she said to fizz)
Mama: And Hello to you to, Mr. Dreux (drew)? You gotta job yet?
Dreux looked up at mama and said
Fizz: Oh, not yet
And went back to textin
Mama was confused, cuz she be thankin once she asked somebody a question she wants a two-way conversation so she saw fizz (dreux) as ignorin her, which basically meant that, that was wat he was doin. He didn’t like to be bothered by anyone asking him all dem questions especially if he ain had the answer to dem.
Mama: DREUX, look at me when I’m talking to you.
Fizz looked up at mama as he sighed wonderin when she gone get off my case
Mama: When are you getting a J-O-B?
I chuckled silently to myself, noo she did not juss asked this boy that. A j-o-b? lol. Yea, das my mama for you. She put ya on da spot. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just one of her tendencies. I get that a lot from her too.
Fizz: I’ll get a job when I get one
Now everybody who was awake was like ooooooooo no you did not juss say dat. We all kno that dreux has an bad attitude when it comes to job-related topics, but he was only diggin himself deeper and he was havin no help either. Raven looked at fizz and cut her eyes at him shaking her head like he outta know betta.
Mama: I know your mother has raised you better than that.
But of course aunt lisa was sittin on the little couch behind mama just watchin how her son would react cuz she knew where this was goin. Mama was furious. She was patient enough. She went forward to drew and snatched away his phone.
Mama: Since you can’t answer me correctly in a respectful tone, you wont be needing this as she dropped his phone in her purse directly after her statement.
Fizz was upset.
Fizz: Maannn, why you had to take my phone like dat? I was textin somebody.
Mama: I don’t give a damn WHO it was. It had BETTA been a potential employa.
China was chuckling up a storm next to me on the couch but I gently bopped her on her leg to warn her to cut it out.
Fizz: No it wasn’t. It was somebody important.
Mama: Oh? Who was it? Since you claim it was somebody important, but I don’t think they were. Cuz if they were, you would have told me already who it was, and I want names.
Fizz: It was sumbody important, but I can’t say dey name
Mama: Why not? Why you can’t say dey name?
Fizz: Cuzzz it’s-
He looked down towards the floor shakin his head like I aint bout to tell her dis, it aint nun of her bidnezz. Mama got angry and raised her voice at fizz.
Mama: WHO WAS IT? And I want the correct answer this time.
Fizz: was aggravated he couldn’t tell who it really was cuz HIS mama (my auntie) was also in da same room and he wudda got cursed out. Mannn watta show that wud hav been.
Mama: It betta not be none of dem chicken headz you be hangin around wit.
Fizz wuz like
Mama nodded aggressively while shakin her weave in agreement goin every which way.(suike my mama don’t wear weave she naturally got long hair like me at least in this story she does, anyway)
Mama: YESSS BABY CHICKEN HEADZ. The ones wit NO jobs, NO husbands, NO college education, NO future, ALWAYZ be out in the street, GHETTO as can be CHICKEN HEADZ.
Fizz shook his head like I can’t believe she is callin me out like this as he licked his lips and clenched his left hand into a fist and thrusted it in his right hand repeatively like who does that? Somebody was at the door, but again aunt lisa got it and it was by bro drizzy drake.
Drake: Hey yaw’ll wass happenin?
As he looked around the room as the loud argument about chicken headz hooked him in for a bit then turned his direction towards those closest to the door. He had a bag in his hand with a red drawing of a chicken on it and red writing that says “chicken,” and a strong scent of chicken was comin from the bag. China closed her eyes and lifted her face towards the smell and quickly opened them and then shouted
Dad springs up from his nap and leans forward lookin around for chicken
This is what happens every time sumbody mentions food while dad is asleep. It’s like he has supa sonic hearin in his sleep and he is awaken when food is mentioned. Just like las Saturday night, drizzy drake brought us some cheeseburgers, fries, and a soda from burger barn.
Flashback scene
As soon as he said dat, dad had sprung up from his afternoon nap and shouted
Drake had placed the bag on the counter and went to the bathroom. Dad got up from his chair and walked over to the counter where the burgers was and goes into it and grabs bout 2, 5, or 7 french fries and juss goin ham on em. When he hears drake comin back near the kitchen he grabs like 3 or 5 more and stuffed them in into his mouth. Drake walks over to the bag and he looks in it, with a confused face, and then turns around and looks at dad’s back. Dad is in suspicion mode he is frozen in place like he has an uh-oh I’m caught face. Drake asks dad
Drake: Dad, do you know what had happened to the fries, cuz last time I check there were a lot of them now it’s like somebody just came in and malled on em and ain’t said nutten about it wouldju happened to know about that?
Dad slowly but silently chews the fries in his mouth as less guilty as possible.
Dad just nodded slowly. Now of course my brother knew it would be dad eatin up da fries like dat cuz he be doin stuff like dis on a regular basis. He’s greedy. He’ll pick off yo plate and ask
Dad: Are you gonna eat that? Can I get a piece of yo pig foot? I notice you just left yo plate and ran off into yo room are you gonna finish eatin dat pork chop?
Ray: (I’m like) Dad you can have it already geez.
Dad: (laughs) Thank you son
Ray: Yea, enjoy.
Back to the Present
So yea drake brought us chicken for dinner. Dad doesn’t kno how to cook nor does mom. Wait, lemme take that back. Mom is juss too busy to cook but dad, noooo he tried and me and drake had to suffer and eat burnt pork-n-beans over half done rice and burnt hot dogs. Talka bout ughh.
Flashback Scene
This was wen we were yunger and til this day, dad thinks he’s tryin to do us a favor by cookin for us. He claims he’s tryin to whip suttem up for me and drake as he calls it, but it neva be turnin out rite.
Dad: I’ma cook and I’ma whip yawll up suttem special
I placed both my hands on my hips and turned to the side and say
Ray: Daaaad, stop playin. We kno u can’t cook. Big deal get over it.
And he was like…
Dad: Welllllllll, No son, I don’t give up that easily. Now, I know I haven’t cooked so well in the past, but let by-gones be by-gones.
And drake was like…
Drake: Well, I mean wen you put it like dat, den how can we say no?
And I was like…
Ray: Nigga isju serious? Are you on suttem? Cuz last time I checked dis man cannot cook. I don’t want NO more burnt food maaannn, dat was nasty.
I can just taste (fake gags) the food from the last time (fake gags).
Ray: (asked to drake) But u kno who can cook?
Drake: Yeeep
Ray and Drake: MAMA JOOOO
We both said at the same time with smiles on our faces. Reminiscing of our grandma’s home cooking. Well, we don’t usually call her mama jo. My mama and aunti lisa calls her that. But anyway, every once in a while, mama jo comes to visit and she used to bring me and drake her famous peach cobbler and apple pie, (there separate not the same) already bake and ready to eat. Mmmmmm you talkin bout suttem goooooood. She made dem thangs from scratch old skool style. She owns two apple trees, a peach tree, all kinda trees, snce she lives in the country. As a child, her parents inherited their parents land, which had a farm on it and they started planting trees, vines, and orchards so that her family, friends, and the community could enjoy it’s freshness and abudance from their labor. Good stuff I tell ya.
Back to the Present
Anywayz me and china got up and walked towards the kitchen but just then drake asks us
Drake: Didju guys wash yo hands first?
We shook our heads no. He laughs.
Drake: Ok, then go do that first then you can have some chicken.
China: Ok
And she ran towards the bathroom. Fizz and Mama are still at it with that dag on chicken head mess.
Fizz: But look, see what I do on my phone is nobody’s business. It’s MINE, I paid for it.
Mama: Oh really? It’s nobody’s business. I’m pretty sure you didn’t pay for this phone so how did you obtain it?
Fizz: Like I said, I paid for it.
Lisa: BOI, un-un dontchu talk to yo auntie like that. No phone privileges for you for a MONTH.
Fizz: *sucks teeth as he has a stupid look on his face* A MONTH? He turns away from his mama and auntie and says
Fizz:: Mannnn, thas sum bull
Boy fizz was mad as hell as I watched and listened while I washed my arms with water.
China: What are you doin?
As she pumped some hand soap into her hands
Ray: I’m washin my arms cantchu tell?
China: But why? It looks weird
She asked with a confused look
Ray: Cuz it’s more hygienic than juss washin your hands, mama tole me dat.
China: Ohhh.
She said with a curious face. And then gets excited.
China: Well I’ma try it too.
Ray: Ok
I said as I shook my arms back and forth to get the remaining water off my arms and then I went over to the towel and dryed my hands. Juss then I heard the front door slam shut. The water had stopped runnin. China was about to dry her hands and I was like what’s goin on?
I left the bathroom to see who all was in the living room. So far it was drake, raven, and roc. I guess the others went outside I said to myself. I felt a push forward and it was china tryin to move me outta the way. As she walked away shakin her head I shouted after her.
I walked ova to roc and flopped rite beside him. I lightly tapped him so that he can wake up already. Roc was sleep the whole damn time, it’s not like him to be doin dat when he comes ova to visit. His snores had annoyed me. Drake looks toward me as I kept tryin wake roc up. Drake asks
Drake: Ray, u want sum of dis chicken?
As he is tearin up dat drumstick and talkin at da same time.
Ray: Yea I do, what kinda question is dat?
I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. We hav and open kitchen so theres no door or wall, it’s like the two rooms are connected. After china poured herself a cup of sprite she sat prissy at the dining room table with a napkin in her lap and another stickin outta her shirt overlappin her chest. I looked at dis gurl like, wat is she on? She ratcheteeeeed. Don’t nobody be eatin chicken like dat. At least not to my knowledge. I leff her alone and peeked at the contents of the bag.
Ray: Hmmm, I see a drumstick, two wings, a thigh and a breast. Wait no, TWO drumsticks, not one.
Ray: I aintcho servant, come get itcho self.
Raven: Is that how you treat a guest?
Ray: Gurl, stop playin you family, you ain no guest.
Raven: Yeaaa, I pratically am. I don’t visit often and the least you could do is to fix me a plate, suttem to drink and bring it to me or is that too much to ask?
HELLLL YEAAA I said to myself but I fixed it anyway. She’s right. I hardly see her that often.
Ray: What type of chicken you want?
Raven: What kinda pieces are up in that bag, can u say em for me?
Ray: Ok. We got drumsticks, wings, a breast, and a thigh.
Raven: Hmmm, ok how many pieces do we get?
I shrugged
Ray: I don’t know, ask drake.
Raven: Drake, how many-
Drake: 2 a piece
Ray: Okkkk??? What was THAT all about?
Drake chuckled as he continues to eat on that same drumstick. Damn, nigga weren’t u done with that like five minutes ago, lol?
Ray: (asks raven) So how many pieces, dang I meant which ones do you want?
Raven: Uhh, give me a wing and a breast.
Ray: Alrite
Raven: Oh, and would pleaseeee fix me a half cup of ice and a half cup of sprite, thank you ray ray?
Ray: Oh wow, u want me to fix sum soda for u too?
Raven gives me the look like boi u betta do what I tell u before I tickle u down
Just then the front door opens and in comes the others. Of course mama is the loudest when she opens the door lookin and yellin at fizz. I sped walked to raven and gave her, her food and drink and I quickly ran ova back to the kitchen and sat at the counter on a stool and made grace. Fizz tries and see if he can leave for awhile.
Fizz: Maaan, can I go somewhere?
Fizz was upset and groans the whole time and he stops in his tracks with his arms folded waiting for instuctions. Auntie lisa has just closed the door. The two women are standin near fizz, but mama is doin the talkin. Well actually mama and aunt lisa are takin turns insultin fizz and fizz is juss standin dere waitin for somebody to release him from dis nonsense. Mama points her arm to the couch near the door for fizz to sit down at. Fizz uncrossed his arms and flops on the couch still mad. Then Mama and Aunt lisa turned towards each other, I guess to talk about about future punishments for fizz. Drake finally turns on the television. I throw up my hands like THANK-YOU-GOOOOD! We hav an LCD Big plasma screen tv. The first channel that the tv was on, was dora the explorer. China was excited as she gulped down some sprite, tilted her head back and said ahhh.
I shouted
Drake turns to another channel. China turns to look at me witta mad face and asked
China: Why you wanna turn from dora?
Ray: Cuuuuuz ain’t nobody wanna see dat.
China: Well, I do
Ray: Well, I don’t care.
China: But IIIIII’M da guest. So u hav to watch wat I want to watch
Ray: Das a lie. Dis MAH house. So I can watch wat I wanna watch.
China gets up from her chair and walks toward me
When she came she stood wit her hands on her hips and witta an angry face. I’m like wateva I ain scared of no lil gurl. China tryin to play me and asks
China: Do you pay the bills around here, Mister?
As she repeatively pointed her index finger on my nose. I swatted her finger away from my face all angry like.
Ray: Gurrrl, gone sit down sum whey.
China: NO. Not until I get what I demanded.
Ray: Well, uhhh u betta go sitcho lil stank self down somewhey and get up outta my face befo I pop u.
Ray: Tell yo mama! And see if care
I shouted at her as I finished my meal , got up off da stool and threw my trash away.
China stomps off from the kitchen and into the living room where her mama was standing. Auntie lisa had shooed her away.
Lisa: China, go on and sit down somewhere chile.
China: But mama, ray ray wont let me watch tv
Lisa: Gurl, whatchu talkin bout? Ray ray don’t pay da light bill, nor the water bill, nor any other bills dat bee bee be payin fo.
Mama overhears auntie lisa and china’s conversation
Mama: Was dat?
Lisa: (to mama) China tells me that ray ray wont let her watch tv or suttem, u kno I be half listenin.
Mama turns her head like an eagle to spot me out. I tip toe away to my room slowly…
Mama: RAY RAY!
I stopped n my tracks and did a 360 and looked towards my mama. Raven and drake are watchin the tv show steve Harvey show.
*sighs* I sighed as I walked towards mama. I’m thinking like, oh my gosh are you taking this seriously? Shooot drake had the remote go yell at him.
Mama: Ray ray, what did you tell china when she wanted to watch tv?
*groans* uh goodness muss we bring this up I said to myself.
Ray: I tole drake to turn da channel cuz I ain want to watch that.
Mama: Boy, I ain asked u dat. I asked u what did u say to your niece who is a guest in MY HOUSE, when she wanted to watch tv?
Ray: I basically tole her it was my house and that I didn’t care what she wanted to watch, even though it’s not my house and that I was only bein selfish.
Mama: That’s what I thought. Now go apologize to her and change the channel for her back to that program.
Ray: Yes ma’am
As I had my head down and walked towards china.
Ray: I’m sorry that I said you couldn’t watch your show. That was rude and unhost like. Would you like to watch dora the explorer?
China was satisfied. But then it seems as if a better idea came to mine.
China: Okay, you are forgiven. But I don’t wanna watch dora the explorer. That show is for babies.
Ray: Welll, u kinda are-
Mama: RAY RAY!
Ray: I mean, yea you’re right. Is there something else you would like to watch instead?
China nodds in excitement
China: Yea, do u guys catch spongebob square pants?
I felt sick to my stomach. Ugghhh not sponge bob. What a stupid show.
Ray: Sure we do.
I gestured her to follow me as I asked drake for the remote and changed the channel.
Drake sat up from his chair as he was confused eyy HOLD UP, WHATCHU DOIN MAN?
Ray: I got orders that I am to turn to sponge bob square pants for china. She is the guest and this is what she wants to watch.
Drake and Raven looked at each other like what the hell, and laughed.
Raven pointed towards me with a hysterical face and shouted
Raven: Ray ray, stop playin and turn back to da steve Harvey show
Drake: Yeaaa, u juss turned from da good part.
Ray: Guys, chill we hav tivo, all u gotta do is record and watch it later. Plus I’m pretty sure this saaaame episode will come back on lata.
Drake: Nuh-uhh. U can’t record a show and watch another show at the same time. It wont letchu do dat.
Raven: Yeaaa, besides I been wantin to see dis episode and now that I hav, I can’t watch the rest?
Ray: Go look it up online. In the meantime, I got stuff to do.
China was satisfied. She was sittin near the front of tv while sponge bob and Patrick were talking. Drake got up from his seat to throw away his trash, while raven scooched up her chair and called after drake.
Raven: Drake can u throw my trash away too?
Drake: Oh yea, fo sho.
Raven: Thank u cuuuuz.
Drake: Ur welcome, he smiled
I was like…
Ray: Uhhhhhh NOT YET!
Ray: I-I was busy
Ray: Hangin out wit my fam
Ray: I mean yes mother
Mama looked around for somebody to yell at. So she turned towards dad who was watchin tv. He musta been quiet dis whole time. He don’t like getting into arguments, especially when there are two women involved.
Dad turned around to face mama
Dad widin his eyes like oh snaaap. Damn, I forgot all about dat.
Mama: U forgot again did you?
Dad: Well, I must admit, I did forget. I was watchin da churen.
He turns towards roc and china for backup so as to make it like he wudn’t lyin.
Dad: Ain’t dat rite kids?
Nobody said anything. China was glued to the tv and roc still asleep. Auntie lisa looked towards roc direction and tole china to wake him up. Mama had dat why is this boy asleep on my couch face on. China didn’t listen. She was glued to the tv and was giggling. Just then Mama made her way over to roc’s side of the couch and punched his arm to wake him up. He suddenly jumped up and yelled
Roc: AAHHHHHHHHHHH dat hurted while he clutched his arm and laid on the his right side to soothe the pain.
Mama pursed her lips like
Mama: Boi I know u was not sleepin on my couch all day?
I was like, yeaaa he was…Roc looked SO confused like what the hell is goin on. Mama gave him the u betta answa me look. Roc had stretched his arms and legs. Then he stood up to reach his toes and rocked side to side wit his arms on his hips and rocked back and forth and letted out a big yawn which caused him to loose balance and fell back onto the couch. Mama was still waitin for his response. Roc looked towards mama and said
Roc: Oh Hello Auntie Beyonce, how are you with a smile on his face.
Mama: Boi don’t smile at me. Ansa my question and stop stallin.
Roc sat up and had a serious look on his face as he tried to remember what she had asked him
Roc: What was the question again?
Mama: I asked you were you sleepin on my couch all day?
Roc: Ohhhh. I’m sorry auntie I was asleep.
Mama excused him just this once and told him….
Mama: Go on and get suttem to eat on the counter and thank ya cousin drake. But before u go ova dere wash yo hands first.
Roc: Ok
Mama looked at him
Roc got the message and said
Roc: I mean yes ma’am
And he went to the bathroom and washed his hands.
Mama threw her head back and swept her hair back towards her ears with her arms across the couch. She was tired. Auntie Lisa had just finished textin someone and stuck her phone in her pants pocket and walked towards the kitchen ready to eat some chicken if there were any left. I looked around my room as I walked ova a bunch of junk and I shook my head. Where the hell am I gonna start?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
All About Ray *Updates**
Hey yawll wass good? I'm thinkin abt doin an All About Ray audio series for the story which i hav juss finished the audio for the intro and day 1 pt. 1. I havent upload them yet becuz tumblr doesnt recognize it, plus i also opened a account so u can hear the audio version of the stories, i do all the voices. I am also thinkin abt doin a video version of the story but that's just a thought at the moment.....i'll see what i can do. So much copyin an pastin an duplicatin stuff, but anywayz i hope u all enjoy the story thus far, thanx 4 tunin in!
P2R: The Future of Boy Bands
P2R are sum handsum guys and they are a hot new band, maybe you have heard of them?
This is supposed to be the sequel to "All About Ray" series where the boys graduate from high skool and go on to become famous popstar cuties and they go by the name of P2R. They have been practicing together ever since junior year and they all decided that it was time to put P2R on the map by competiting in local performances, at school, at house parties, even at burger barn so people would know who P2R. They don't call themselves celebrities because they want to remain normal people but still famous minus all the paparazi and media drama. P2R loves their fans and interacts with them by doin local interviews, goin on ustream, hangin out with them, etc. They are signed by Rick Ross (the owner of burger barn) who owns his own record label called BOSS Entertainment. They rap, sing, dance, and are oh so cute! Ray ray (rated r) has teamed up with Burger Barn (future job) and Target to sell his wonderful P2R designed gear for the fans so that they can be stylish alongside P2R.
P2R like B2K, lol.
Band members: Producer, Roczilla, Rated R, and Prince#2 or Prince da B0$$?
Pretty 2 b Rated???
The Leader who dances and raps: Rated R (ray ray)
The Dancer and beatboxer: The Producer (prodigy)
The Rapper and drummer: Roczilla (roc royal)
The Spokesperson, singer and political peace talker: Prince da B0$$ (princeton)
Later on, P2R gets together later in the story when the producer and prince da B0$$ joins in
The Producer (also known as prodigy in All About Ray) has a quiet swagg but he also loves to show off when he gets the opportunity. He is the best dancer at Norwood high who has an abudance of dancing experience in his background and he also does beatboxing.
Rated R (aka Ray ray from All About Ray) is the leader of P2R and whom had come up with the name. He also dances but he second best behind the producer. He also comes up with clothing line for their swagge out gear since he's a talented artist
Prince da B0$$ (aka Princeton in All About Ray) is the conceited boss who talks alot so he wass given the role of the spokesperson. He is the rockstar of the group and always spread his peace poltiics in every interview for the group.
Roczilla (aka Roc Royal from All About Ray) is the rapper of the group who is the goofball, loves animals and takes risks. He is learning to play the drums so that he can be the griups drummer.
For sweepstake info go to this link to read more info:
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
All About Ray: Cast
All About Ray
The Cast of Characters
By rayraynicki
Mac= Main character
Mic= minor character
Characters: Role:
Ray Ray Knowles (Mindless Behavior) Main character
Beyonce Knowles Doctor
Cedric Knowles Car Wash Owner and comdian
Drake Knowles Barbershop Chain owner of Drake Cutz
Patti LaBelle (Mama Jo) Grandmother of ray ray and drake
Bill Cosby Granpa of ray ray and drake
Lisa Raye (All of Us) Office administrator
LL Cool J Group Trainer at a Gym
Roc Royal (Mindless Behavior)
China Anne McClain (ANT Farm)
Raven Symone (That’s so Raven) Aspiring actress
Lil Fizz (Dreux) (B2K) Lazy and unemployed
Prodigy Transfer student, excellent dancer and singer
Imani Hakim (Everybody Hates Chris)
Janet Jackson Super star legend of rock/pop/randb
Denzel Washington Electrician
Princeton Spoiled rich kid, model
Halle Berry Political activist, mom and model
Michael Earl (Barbershop) Billionaire and he owns a modeling agency
Forest Whitaker (The Debators) The Mayor of the town
Mary J. Blige Forest's ex-wife, single mother
Keke Palmer (True Jackson) Straight A student, and talented singer
Ray J (Moesha)
Justin Bieber New kid on the block, ray ray's homeboy
Aaron Carter
Brittany Spears Owns a dance studio
Kesha Trashy whore who works at D's HOB
Mariah Carey Nurse at Norwood High
Vin Diesel Professional Stuntman
Nicki Minaj Head cashier at Burger Barn
Katt Williams Manager of Burger Barn
Rhianna Nicki's best friend
Chris Brown Rhianna's bf
DMX Current bf of nicki and abusive towards her
Rick Ross Owner of Burger Barn
P. Diddy Owner of Diddy's House of Burgers
Birdman Co-Owner of D's HOB
Lil’ Wayne Head cook at D's HOB
Ashanti Math Teacher at Norwood High
Kanye West English teacher at NorwoodHigh
T.I. History teacher at Norwood High
Ciara 8thg teacher at South Holly middle school
Alicia Keyes Science teacher at Norwood High
Ice Cube Rap 101 at Norwood High
Usher Washed up dance teacher
Lady Gaga Art Teacher
Gucci Mane Cook member at D's HOB
Ludacris Cook member at Burger Barn
Lil Jon Head Cook at Burger Barn
Dr. Dre Co-Owner of D's HOB (marketing)
Gordon Ramsey Chef of Culinary class
Joe Bastianich Co-Chef of Culianry class
Graham Elliot
Nene Leakes Police Officer
Jackie Chan Self-Defense Teacher
Wendy Williams Computer Lab teacher
Tyra Banks Theatre 101 teacher who owns a modeling agency
Chris Tucker
Ruben Studdard Singing Janitor
Tichina Arnold Mean Janitor
JaRule Janitor
Diggy Simmons
Zendaya Coleman (Shake it Up)
Kyle Massey
Brandon Mychal Smith (So random)
Rebecca Black
Victoria Justice (Victorious)
Zac Efron (High school musical)
Corbin Bleu (HSM)
Lucas Gabreel (HSM)
Jennifer Hudson Norwood High's principal
Steve Harvey Freshman guidance counselor
Wiz Khalifa
Madea (Tyler Perry) Norwood High's bus driver
Willow Smith
Jayden Smith
Missy Elliot
Keri Hilson
Arianna Grande (Victorious)
Lil Mama
Shawty Lo (D4L) Discplinary Teacher
Aretha Franklin Lunch lady #2
Monique Parker Head Lunch lady
Bow Wow
Soulja Boy
Young Jeezy
Waka Flocka Flame
Liam (One Direction)
The Cast of Characters
By rayraynicki
Mac= Main character
Mic= minor character
Characters: Role:
Ray Ray Knowles (Mindless Behavior) Main character
Beyonce Knowles Doctor
Cedric Knowles Car Wash Owner and comdian
Drake Knowles Barbershop Chain owner of Drake Cutz
Patti LaBelle (Mama Jo) Grandmother of ray ray and drake
Bill Cosby Granpa of ray ray and drake
Lisa Raye (All of Us) Office administrator
LL Cool J Group Trainer at a Gym
Roc Royal (Mindless Behavior)
China Anne McClain (ANT Farm)
Raven Symone (That’s so Raven) Aspiring actress
Lil Fizz (Dreux) (B2K) Lazy and unemployed
Prodigy Transfer student, excellent dancer and singer
Imani Hakim (Everybody Hates Chris)
Janet Jackson Super star legend of rock/pop/randb
Denzel Washington Electrician
Princeton Spoiled rich kid, model
Halle Berry Political activist, mom and model
Michael Earl (Barbershop) Billionaire and he owns a modeling agency
Forest Whitaker (The Debators) The Mayor of the town
Mary J. Blige Forest's ex-wife, single mother
Keke Palmer (True Jackson) Straight A student, and talented singer
Ray J (Moesha)
Justin Bieber New kid on the block, ray ray's homeboy
Aaron Carter
Brittany Spears Owns a dance studio
Kesha Trashy whore who works at D's HOB
Mariah Carey Nurse at Norwood High
Vin Diesel Professional Stuntman
Nicki Minaj Head cashier at Burger Barn
Katt Williams Manager of Burger Barn
Rhianna Nicki's best friend
Chris Brown Rhianna's bf
DMX Current bf of nicki and abusive towards her
Rick Ross Owner of Burger Barn
P. Diddy Owner of Diddy's House of Burgers
Birdman Co-Owner of D's HOB
Lil’ Wayne Head cook at D's HOB
Ashanti Math Teacher at Norwood High
Kanye West English teacher at NorwoodHigh
T.I. History teacher at Norwood High
Ciara 8thg teacher at South Holly middle school
Alicia Keyes Science teacher at Norwood High
Ice Cube Rap 101 at Norwood High
Usher Washed up dance teacher
Lady Gaga Art Teacher
Gucci Mane Cook member at D's HOB
Ludacris Cook member at Burger Barn
Lil Jon Head Cook at Burger Barn
Dr. Dre Co-Owner of D's HOB (marketing)
Gordon Ramsey Chef of Culinary class
Joe Bastianich Co-Chef of Culianry class
Graham Elliot
Nene Leakes Police Officer
Jackie Chan Self-Defense Teacher
Wendy Williams Computer Lab teacher
Tyra Banks Theatre 101 teacher who owns a modeling agency
Chris Tucker
Ruben Studdard Singing Janitor
Tichina Arnold Mean Janitor
JaRule Janitor
Diggy Simmons
Zendaya Coleman (Shake it Up)
Kyle Massey
Brandon Mychal Smith (So random)
Rebecca Black
Victoria Justice (Victorious)
Zac Efron (High school musical)
Corbin Bleu (HSM)
Lucas Gabreel (HSM)
Jennifer Hudson Norwood High's principal
Steve Harvey Freshman guidance counselor
Wiz Khalifa
Madea (Tyler Perry) Norwood High's bus driver
Willow Smith
Jayden Smith
Missy Elliot
Keri Hilson
Arianna Grande (Victorious)
Lil Mama
Shawty Lo (D4L) Discplinary Teacher
Aretha Franklin Lunch lady #2
Monique Parker Head Lunch lady
Bow Wow
Soulja Boy
Young Jeezy
Waka Flocka Flame
Liam (One Direction)
**UPDATE*** Character Change
So, as I was looking for pictures more characters to add to the story my thoughts came across lisa raye and i'm like hmmmmm, she's beautiful why didn't I think of her to begin with to play in the story. I also thought if she were to be added to the story wat role would she play and It hit me. Roc royal's eighth grade teacher. Then i kinda liked it but, I can see her as a regular character and then i thought, watta about his mom? Yessssss, she can be his mom instead of ciara. I think Lisa raye and beyonce could be like sisters, so why not hav ll cool j married to lisa rite? So yea I'm gonna go with that, while Ciara will be roc's eighth teacher. But then againnn, i can also see lisa as ray ray's mom too, lol ughhhh so hard.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Ray Ray's Skool Schedule
Ray ray's schedule as well as the other students at Norwood High School rotate on A-day and B-day
A-Day Class Schedule
Breakfast 7:30- 7:45 am
Math 8:00-9:00 am with Miss Ashanti
English 9:00- 10:00 am with Mr. Kanye West
Lunch 10:00- 10:15 am
Music Appreciation and Chorus 10:15- 11:00 am with Mrs. Toni Braxton
Dance 101 11:00-12:00 pm with Mr. Usher
Self-Defense Class 12:00- 1:00 pm with Mr. Jackie Chan
Gym Class 1:00- 2:00pm with Mr. Terry Crews
Theatre 101 2:00- 3:00 pm with Ms. Tyra Banks
B-day Class Schedule
Breakfast 7:30-7:45 am
Science 8:00- 9:00 am with Ms. Alicia Keyes
History 9:00- 10:00 am with Mr. Clifford Harris (T.I.)
Lunch 10::00- 10:15 am
Art Class 10:15- 11:00 am with Lady Gaga
Rap 101 11:00- 12:00 pm with Mr. Ice Cube
Culinary Arts 12:00- 1:00 pm with MasterChefs (Gordan Ramsey, Joe Bastianich and Graham Elliot)
Beginner's Spanish 1:00- 2:00 pm with Ms. Jennifer Lopez
Computer Lab 2:00- 3:00 pm with Mrs. Wendy Williams
Justin Bieber's Fam
Is the new kid to move into ray ray's neighborhood and he and ray ray will become best friends. Justin has a big crush on keke palmer. He has three siblings: aaron carter, brittany spears, and kesha.
Aaron Carter is the eldest brother of justin
Brittany spears is the 2nd oldest sibling of justin. She owns her own dance studio
Kesha is the 2nd youngest of the fam. She is the trashy whore and has no job. She has a thing for fizz (dreux) as well as ray j. She works at Diddy's house of burgers as a dancer and bartender.
Mariah Carey is the mom of the fam and works as a nurse at Norwood. She is a fun-loving mom.
Van Diesel is justin's dad and he makes his living as a stuntman.
Family photo:
Day 1: Meeting the Knowles and the cuzins (pt.1)
All about Ray starts on the last week of summer vacation. Ray ray is fifteen years of age and he is about to start highschool as a freshman in the fall. Roc royal an his fam comes over for a visit while Dr. Beyonce is getting ready to leave for work and drizzy drake is already at work.
Ray ray is sketching a drawing of nicki minaj in his sketchbook as he is on his bed and his room is a mess. His mother already told him dozen of times to keep that damn room cleaned.
Beyonce: Before I get home i expect this room to be clean and spotless. (ray ray starts to mimick her words with his hand
opening and closing cuz he knows what she says cuz she says it ALLLLLL the time)
B: You got that?
Ray: Yes ma'am.
B: Alrite, i'll see you later, and stop bringin food up in here. If I catch you bringin food into this room ONE MO TIME, I'ma grab my belt and beatchu wit it you hear me?
Ray: Yeeeeesssss mother i hear you.
B: Don't play wit me now
Ray: Alite.
After he puts the finishing touches on his artwork, he hears a knock on the oor in the distance as if it sounds like the front door, followed by a doorbell chime.
Cedric: COMING!
Cedric opens the door and In comes roc wit a hug for his kewl uncle.
Cedric: Heyyyy little man what's happenin? (he asked roc)
Roc: Nutten much, jus hangin and wanted to see you guys as he pulled away from his uncle's embrace. Ced asked roc...
Cedric: Where is little bit?
Roc: Lol, she's coming as he walks around looking for me (ray ray)
"Little bit" (china) as my dad calls his niece comes runnin in
Cedric bends down to scoop up china and kissess her on the cheek.
Ceddric: How's my niece doin?
China giggled out loud as dad tickled her tummy and her legs were kicking, tryin to make him stop ticklin her, So he got the idea and placed her down on the floor.
China: I'm doin ok Uncle ceddy
Ced: Are you ready for middles school young lady?
China was nervous but politely nodded yes.
Ced: Aww, don't be nervous it's gonna be ok, you'll see. Besides you'll have your big brother going along with you.
China: Yea, that is true she admitted.
But sadly, her face turned into a frown because she knew it would be roc's last year at South Holly Middle School. Just then raven walked, leaned backward, tilted her head and shouted HEYYYYYYY YOU GUYSSSSSSS, (Suike, i'm juss messin wit ya) But she said
With her arms wide open waitin to see who gone hug her first. Dad imitated her gesture but shouted...
As he walked forward to her and she walked forward to him until they met each other and they both laughed out loud and hugged one another.China sat on the sofa in the living room with a discerning face at her big sister raven. She thought to herself as she balled up her hand and had her arm propped up against her right cheek wondering why she doesn't show the same emotion towards her like that? Just then Fizz came in rockin a sean jean hoodie, dark washed jeans, nikes, a fitted hat, an stunna shades wit his pony tail hangin in the back and walkin up in our house as if he was somebody famous.
Fizz: Wass up, wass up, WASSUUUUP FAM?
(crickets chirping)
He asked to anyone who was listening. Most times Fizz can be so lame, but at the same time he looked fresh doin it. At first nobody had said anything like, who is dis nigga and why is he here? He then took off his shades like a boss or so he thought and reasked the question like he asked earlier except this time he threw his arms out to the side and asked
Fizz: Oh yaw'll dont hear me up in dis piece?
Everyone in da room turned around and faked replied with a little hint of enthusiasm and said
Everyone: Heyyyy Fizzz
Cuz u know he is the unpopular sibling lol. Anywayz, Fizz is a college dropout. He claim to have gone to Ashton Community College which was out of town, a perfectly good reason why China and Roc didn't see their brother often because let's face it he's lame and he be actin major ratchet most of the time. He's unsuccessful as well. He said he had wanted to open up his own business when he was seventeen. He wanted to own a car wash, but that didn't happen. He failed to go out and get a job he just sits in the house all day eatin up uncle cool j and auntie lisa's food while eveyone is out an about at either school or work, he's mostly at the house. Since he claimed that Bojangles didnt want to hire him because he was too much of a boss and that the managers was actin ratchet and that they were juss hatin on him and his so called swag. Well one night he saw an ad on tv for Ashton community college where they will help you find the right career with the best tools, skills, and resources ashton community college does it all, what lies, but anywayz yea the commercial worked and hooked him in and the very next day he went and applied online. He ain had no kinda scholarship cuz his grades were awful back in highskool. He had no job to pay for the tuition so who do you think he went to and asked for some money from? If you guessed his parents, then YOU WRONG!
It was my brother drizzy drake that offered him a loan. Fizz's parents don't just throw money out there you gotta earn it an since he wasn't workin no where, nor continued to pursue other opportunities and ftry to land an interview, oh well i guess he thought that ship had sailed long time ago. So yea, drizzy gave him a loan cuz fizz looked up to drake. He was what "ideally," everything fizz wanted to be. My brother is very successful, he is a bidness man, he owns and manages a barbershop chain called Drake Cutz. He has excellent work ethic, (it comes from mom by the way) and he is supafly with the ladies. Sooo, anywayz, fizz thanked drake for the loan and took the money for the tuition and left the shop. But before fizz could get any further drake shouted after fizz...
Drake opens the door and is outside the shop.
Fizz turned around countin the cash
Fizz: Huh? Oh hey drake wassup?
Drake caught up to fizz and told him
Drake: Yo, I gotchu on my tab so I kno how much you borrowed from me.
Fizz not looking at drake continued to count the money and nodded to whatver drake was saying
Fizz: Yooo, I gotchu my nigga, don't worry about nothin ok?
Drake thought to himself, that is exactly what I am worried about, NOT gettin my money back.
Drake: So listen, before you go out to the college you need to deposit the money into a checking account.
Fizz stopped counting because what drake said threw him off and yet it was sounded like something that needed to be heard.
Fizz had that slow face on while drake had the ok-I'm-gonna-have-to-break-it-down-for-you face on.
Drake: Ok, fizz ....
As he laid his right arm around fizz's shoulder and pulled him in close to him so that fizz can hear and comprehend every word that was being said. This was between him and fizz while fizz is putting his thinking cap on. Drake looked around to the right, then to the left, and squinted ahead with his left hand over his eyes but he saw no one of importance and he began to tell fizz about putting the money in the bank first before going down to the college because it takes time for the money to be processed. Fizz nodded
Fizz: Ok, I got that
Drake: You sure you got that?
As drake released his arm offa fizz's shoulder he pointed towards him askin him again because one moment you think fizz understands you, but then when the situation occurs he be lookin so dumbfounded it's like nigga was you payin attention or was you in la la land? Drake snapped his fingers around fizz's face to get his attention. Fizz snapped back into reality.
Drake: Ok, well unfortunately, I have to go back to work, but you just remember what I said alright about the money, and you gotta put it in the bank first, processing, then wait to go and pay for yo classess ya hear?
Fizz nodded
Fizz: Yeaaa, dang why you keep askin me If i understand whatchu be sayin and you think you gotta keep remindin me like i'ma child, geez i understand money.
Drake: Oh do you? Cuz last time I check you have NO job, NOR do you have a college education.
Fizz: Yoooo I'm tryin to get a job at ummm....
Drake: Where? Where are you tryin to get a job at? Is it someplace that I know? Is it legit? Is it local?
Fizz: Mannn, yea it's legit. What kinda question is that?
Drake: Hey, it's a question. I wanna know what kinda plans my cuzin hav in regaurds to looking for a job, You know I can hook you up at da barbershop.
Fizz: (shoots drakes offer down): If I wanted to work there, I would have already applied.
Drake: Well, I'm just tryin to help you out.
Fizz: NO, you're just tryin to tell me what I need to do.
Drake: Nahhh, you make your own decisions, but I want you to tell me right now, what it is that you want to do?
Fizz: (looks up at the sky): Umm, I wanna be a uhh, I wanna do...(looks down at his shoes)
Drake: okk sooo I see you haven't put too much thought into this. You do know that there are places and people that can help you on your journey for employment right?
Fizz: Huh? Oh for real?
Drake: Yesssss, there are. Matta fact I can help you out right now.
Drake: Take this card.
Fizz takes the card with a puzzlied look. He skims the front and reads the back. Drake turns the card back to the front so that fizz can read the front side first.
Drake: I saw some of these cards displayed in one of my otha shops so as I was reading them they reminded me of you and how you were seeking out a job so that you can be a productive member in society and grow up already.
Fizz was kinda mad when drake said what he had to say juss now. He didn't really want to work. He just wants to just collect money, eat it up, spend it on a bunch of new shoes, clothes and especially on women or at least try to impress them as to say hat he is rollin deep in money.
Fizz: Ok, thanks he said with a non-chalant tone
Drake: Well anywayz you call that number and ask for reggie smith he can get you where you need to be, but you will have to take that initiative and to act on it. So I did my part, twice actually but anyway I gotta holla atchu later, hit me up if you have any questions or need to talk, peace!
Fizz thought over what drake told him because most of it was true and he knew it. No need tellin him twice, but at the same time fizz knew he wuz just lazy and that he would slide back into his old habits again. The question remain, would he decide to change and be a man or, remain a little boy and watch his family basically doin all the work in which he is the oldest and he should be helping out financially. Fizz stuck the card in his hoodie pocket and walked towards his car and drove off.
After everybody said hey to Fizz (the college dropout), a fly or two had flown in. I hated him for that. Cedric (my dad) was intrerupted by the flys buzzin around him that he was swattin like crazy and he was swattin like he had to move around like he was dancin a jig or suttem. China was chucklin at him by coverin up her laugh with her mouth but finally asked him
China: Uncle Cedric, what are you doin over there? The funky chicken?
Raven had to move to the living room cuz she didn't want to deal with the flies period sayin
Raven: Ooo chile, I ain't got time for this I just got my hair did and If I move my head around too much it's gonna all fall apart and hav me sweatin like a pig you know what i'm sayin?
As she finished her "you know what i'm sayin phrase," she usually looks around the room to see if anybody was laughin but as usual nobody was cuz it was not that funny in the first place. I don't know where she gets that from but that thang she does be buggin me. So fizz finally closes the door but very slowly and two more flies fly up in da house and everybody throws up their arms up like...
Everyone: COME ON, FIZZ!
China: Daaaaaang man, you don't know how to close a door quick-light. It's simple. It's just like (snaps fingers) that.
Fizz was like..
Fizz: Oh my bad
He knew damn well it was his bad. Oh my goodness I swear this boy is sooooo slow. Raven swats the flies that is surrounding her do in an elegant manner and she wrinkled up her nose and scratched it poised-like. Oh roc is knocked out on the couch
with his mouth wide open, lol. China points at roc and laughs out loud. Roc suddenly snores aloud. Dad is tryin to find the fly swatta which is usually kept in the kitchen on the floor for quick access. So we can hitta fly WA-POW! Butchu hav to be strategic and quick-like to hit them and the timing is everything as well. I finally get up from my bed, but I had to stand up to spot a clean space to walk in and to be able to get to the door of my room. As i finally got safely thru the junk on my floor i opened my door and saw my cousins in the living room and dad twirling round like a lost dog tryin to find those ratchet flies. I opened the hall closet and handed my dad the fly swatta like a boss and said in a non-chalant matta
Ray: Here dad, take care of business
Cedric: Oh thank you son, I appreciate you handin me the fly swatta in dis time of crisis cuz you know, I gotta handle business.
I pretend to play along and say
Ray: Don't worry dad your secret is safe with me and he's like
Cedric: What secret? and he slams the fly swatta on the counter.
China: Ewwww. You hit the counta wit da fly swatta?
Cedric: What secret?
And he slams the fly swatta on the counter.
China: Ewwww. You hit the counta wit da fly swatta.
I shrugged
Ray: So?
Raven: So?
Raven overheard us talkin.
Raven: That's just nastay
Ray: Oh word?
I folded my arms and stood against the wall wit one leg kicked back and the other on the floor watchin my dad as I try to hold back my laughs, so i bit my lip to try and keep from laughin but i couldn't hold on much longer. He just steady swingin wit two flies circling him and his eyes are following their every flight movement. They are now above him, then they swing low, then to the left, and then to the right. When they swoop near the counter, dad hits the counter really loud and china jumps becuz of the sound it made caught her off guard. Too bad the tv isn't on to drown out the slaps. Just then a knock is on the door and I shouted
Ray: I GOT IT!
I opened the door
Lisa Raye: Heyyyy baby said auntie lisa.
I hugged her with a smile
Ray: Finally sum distractions
Auntie lisa had brought some bags from the car with her. She patted my head and asked how was I doing i told her I was fine.
Lisa: Everything alright?
Ray: Yea, it's cool I smiled.
But I just remembered that we were still standing in the door, and we let in two more flies in da house dad was like
Cedric: Awww mannn now we got a whole house of dem as he stumped. He was frustrated. I turned towards dad and had my hand up in the air facing towards him
Ray: Dad, chill u got this
Dad was like
Cedric: I got dis. (he is now pumped) Yeaa I got dis.
He slapped down on the counter cuz he was excited, cuzju kno I b givin my dad pep talks and motivational speeches that sumtimes he gets stressed about things and I remind him that it's gonna be okay. After that slap, dad jerked his hand back in pain and held it towards his chest to soothe it. I looked back at him as I was worried and wondered like
Ray: Dad, you alrite ova there?
Dad played the pain off.
Cedric: Yea, son I'm ok. Thanx for askin. I got eeeeeeevrerythang under control as he had his arm out like he was on top of the world.
Me and china helped aunt lisa with the bags so we can close the door. China asked auntie lisa
China: Where's dad?
Ciara: Oh he dropped me off and went on to work.
China: Oh, said china with a confusing face. So does that mean we are gonna be staying here as she tried and comprehend the situation so that it can be confirmed.
Lisa: Yessss china if that's ok with Ceddy
Cedric said in a playful tone
Cedric: Gurrrl, you know you and your kids are alwayz welcomed here at our home.
I must mention that Auntie lisa and beyonce are sisters by blood
stay tuned for Day 1 pt. 2
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